Monday, April 14, 2008

How does someone get the opportunity to work at one of the Quest Soccer Camps?

The Quest Soccer Camp receives constant inquiries from soccer coaches and players about working at one of the Quest Soccer Camps. The process is relatively easy. High School age players are signed on as instructor aides, while college players as well as those out of college are signed on as instructors. A detailed resume of your soccer and work experience needs to be submitted via online or regular U.S mail. Please label your email "Quest Soccer Applicant" to avoid any spam file mishaps. All relative information can be found by clicking the link HERE.
A Background Investigation by Pebi Services will be conducted on college or older applicants. The Quest Soccer Camps are always looking for qualified, good natured instructors, counselors, aides, and assistants. Quest Soccer qualifies for the mandatory Florida High School community service hours program.

Quest Soccer Camp, South Florida's largest and oldest Soccer Camp

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